Image 1: Displayed information "Clamp Force" is inaccurate "Shell Mesh"
Image 2: Surface Mesh, where the part is hollow without mesh elements.
Image 3: Closing pressure example, necessary for filling process.
It is strongly recommended to use a Solid Mesh for Pack analyses, just as the same recommendation applies for cooling and Warp / (Deformation) analyses.
Image 4: Solid Mesh bounded by Surface Mesh and solid elements throughout the thickness of the workpiece.
Same item as before, but with required closing pressure for Pack.
A difference of 150 tons. This information is only possible by using a Solid Mesh
I recommend only using Surface Mesh for initial party design to quickly get a general Flow result.
If you need help, you can call us at support.
Jens-Ole is an application engineer at Denmark's largest SOLIDWORKS dealer PLM Group.
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