How to install SOLIDWORKS to new workstation


See the following instructions to install SOLIDWORKS to new workstation that has no SOLIDWORKS previously installed. Use this instruction also in case you are installing SOLIDWORKS Composer or SOLIDWORKS Visualize to a new workstation without SOLIDWORKS software being installed.


Be aware of these things before installing SOLIDWORKS:

  • This instruction is not valid for situation where SOLIDWORKS is already installed. In that situation, please see THIS ARTICLE.
  • Check that workstation meets SOLIDWORKS system and hardware requirements.
  • If you are sharing SOLIDWORKS files with other users, make sure you are installing the same SOLIDWORKS major version (files cannot be opened with older major version). 
  • If you already have existing SOLIDWORKS network licenses in use and you have now bought a new license(s), please reactivate the license server so that newly bought licenses will become available. Be also sure to install the same SOLIDWORKS major version (not newer than other users are using). Otherwise SOLIDWORKS cannot be started.


1. Go to PLM Group Downloads page.


2. Select the correct link of the version you want to install. Save and launch the setup file. 



3. SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager starts. Select the option "Install on this computer" and press "Next"



4. Type (or copy-paste) the 24-digit SOLIDWORKS serial number to "3D Design - SOLIDWORKS" field and press "Next".


Note: In case you have multiple serial numbers for multiple SOLIDWORKS products (such as SOLIDWORKS Composer, SOLIDWORKS Visualize, SOLIDWORKS Simulation, SOLIDWORKS Plastics, SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation etc.), type each serial number to corresponding serial number field for products you have a license for.

In case you want to install SOLIDWORKS Composer or SOLIDWORKS Visualize standalone software to workstation without SOLIDWORKS software being installed, uncheck the serial number selection from field "3D Design - SOLIDWORKS" and type only the serial number of the Composer/Visualize software. Then only Composer/Visualize will be installed and SOLIDWORKS will not be installed.



5. In "Products" page it is possible to define which products are to be installed. Normally there is no need to make any changes to products, as the typed serial number(s) automatically sets the correct products you are entitled to install.

TIP: You can leave the default target installation folder but it is practical to customize the target installation folder name, "C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS 2021. Customizing the name will help with managing the "File Location" settings later on.

You can also customize the folder name for "Toolbox/Hole Wizard" folder by changing "Toolbox/Hole Wizard Options".


After you have defined the settings, please accept the terms of the license agreement and press "Install Now" to start SOLIDWORKS installation.



NOTE: If you are using floating SOLIDWORKS network license (third digit of the serial number is "1"), type the address of the license server in form of "25734@"SERVER NAME". For example, if the license server name would be "POWER-SERVER", then address is typed as "25734@POWER-SERVER". When using standalone SOLIDWORKS license, the dialog seen in picture below does not appear.



6. SOLIDWORKS installation starts. Duration of the installation depends on multiple factors, such as hard drive type (installation is faster to SSD hard drives), hard drive writing speed, free hard drive space, level of antivirus scanning etc. But in general the installation takes around 10-20 minutes.

After installation has been finished successfully, please press "Finish" button. SOLIDWORKS is now installed in your workstation.



7. Launch SOLIDWORKS by double-clicking SOLIDWORKS desktop icon or selecting it from Windows menu.



8. Activate the license by selecting the option "Automatically over the internet", typing your email address and pressing "Next". License is activated really fast, in just few seconds. In some situations, when workstation cannot be connected to internet, it is also possible to activate the license via email by using the other workstation that is connected to internet.


Note: When using floating SOLIDWORKS license, activation dialog seen in picture below does not appear.


See also the official SOLIDWORKS installation guide.


If you also have the Cloud Services for SOLIDWORKS (3DEXPERIENCE), you can find a guide how to install your 3DEXPERIENCE Add-in from here: Installing 3DEXPERIENCE Connector 


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