After updating SOLIDWORKS to the latest version you may see the following result:
Instead of the Diameter symbol, you will see the prefix "<MOD-DIAM> ". This is due to not updated "Symbol Library File" under System Options -> File Locations:
To correct this, Delete the presented location (in this case "C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2019\lang").
Then click "Add...", navigate to your C drive, and access ProgramData:
From the ProgramData folder search "SOLIDWORKS" and access it:
Access the SOLIDWORKS folder and from there locate the latest version of your SOLIDWORKS installation:
Access the latest SOLIDWORKS version folder and search for subfolder "lang":
Open "lang" folder and choose "english", after which choose "Select Folder":
Now your "Symbol Library File" path has been updated to the latest, choose OK from System Options settings:
Now when you reassign the hole value, everything should be working as before:
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