SOLIDWORKS releases a new software version from its products yearly. New features and functions are mainly based on the enhancement requests created by SOLIDWORKS users.
SOLIDWORKS users under subscription services can create those enhancement requests.
Here is the instruction to create enhancement request for SOLIDWORKS products.
1. Login to SOLIDWORKS Customer Portal with your email address and your password. If you have not created your account yet, press the link "Create a SOLIDWORKS ID" and follow the instructions to create the account. You can also check THIS LINK that instructs you with creating account.
2. From the section "MY SUPPORT", select the link "Enhancement Requests".
Note: If your SOLIDWORKS license is on subscription but there are "lock icons" in front of all links, please use "Register my products" command to register your products. See THIS LINK to get help with registering products.
3. Start with searching for current enhancement requests to see if someone else has already created a request about the same topic. Found results are seen below as ID-numbers starting with suffix "SPR". If you can find a request about the same topic, you can VOTE FOR THIS REQUEST.
But if you cannot find a similar request, press the link "click here" to create the enhancement request.
4. Fill in the information related to your request. Please try to provide as much information as possible to make your request clear. Finally press "Submit" button to create the request.
5. You will receive an email with confirmation about the created enhancement request. You will also receive email notification if your enhancement request will be implemented in some SOLIDWORKS software version. SOLIDWORKS might also contact you if they need clarification related to your request.
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