SOLIDWORKS has a tool that can be used to collect information that is helpful when investigating different performance issues related to SOLIDWORKS. Tool can also be used to create a video that captures the screen events in software session.
This tool is called SOLIDWORKS RX and you can use it for things such as...
- Problem Capture (instructed below)
- System Maintenance
- System and hardware diagnostics (graphics card and its driver detection)
- Using different safe modes to detect problems related to graphics cards or SOLIDWORKS options.
In this instruction we will guide you how to collect SOLIDWORKS RX data package (*.zip file) that you can send to PLM Group Support for investigation. Instruction is valid for SOLIDWORKS 2021 version.
1. Close SOLIDWORKS (Do not close SOLIDWORKS when using SOLIDWORKS Connected version!).
Note: It is also possible to start capturing the issue without closing SOLIDWORKS. In that situation keep SOLIDWORKS running (don't close it) and proceed to step 2 to launch SOLIDWORKS RX. Capturing the data package from running SOLIDWORKS session is normally used when the issue is likely not reproduced after restarting SOLIDWORKS.
2. Launch "SOLIDWORKS RX" tool.
Note: When using SOLIDWORKS Desktop version, RX tool can be found easily by using Windows Search.
When using SOLIDWORKS Connected version, RX tool is launched from SOLIDWORKS user interface according to picture below.
3. Go to "Problem Capture" tab and press the button "Record Video...".
Note: Do not check the option "Include extended logging data" unless PLM Group Support person asks you to do that because this option increases file size of the package significantly. There is also possible to change the source of the video capturing to "SOLIDWORKS Composer" or some specific monitor (when using multiple monitors) but you can keep the default option "SOLIDWORKS" so that it captures only events displayed on SOLIDWORKS screen.
If you are demonstrating the issue related to 3DExperience platform, please also enable the option "Include 3DEXPERIENCE debug logs".
Note: If you have kept SOLIDWORKS running, you can select the option "Use Current Session" to start capturing the issue from running SOLIDWORKS session.
4. Press the button "Record" to start the video recording.
5. Now all events displayed in SOLIDWORKS screen (inside red square seen in picture below) are going to be recorded in the video. You can now demonstrate your experienced issue. This demonstration usually helps with investigating different issues.
Example: If you have experienced that SOLIDWORKS crashes or hangs when opening specific assembly, you can show that in the video.
6. When you have demonstrated the issue, you can stop video recording by pressing "Finish" button.
Note: If you are demonstrating a crashing issue and SOLIDWORKS crashes after you have demonstrated the issue, SOLIDWORKS video recording stops automatically when SOLIDWORKS crashes. So in that case you do not have to finish video recording from "Finish" button.
7. After the video recording has been stopped, SOLIDWORKS RX returns to main window where you can see all the information that RX tool has collected. Press "Package Files..." to save the the *.zip file. This *.zip file is saved to folder called "SW Log Files" inside user's personal "Documents" folder by default but you can also save the file to another folder.
Note: There is also additional button called "Add Files..." where you can attach additional files to be included in the saved *.zip file. By default, *.zip file contains all SOLIDWORKS files that were opened during this SOLIDWORKS session that was just finished. It also contains all document templates (part, assembly and drawing) that were used to create files during this session.
8. After you have saved the *.zip file, you can press "Click here to browse to the zip file location" to locate the saved file.
Note: You can also press the button "Continue to Step 3" and then press "Describe" button below to describe your issue in English but this is not needed. So you can just ignore this Step 3 and press the "X" button in upper right corner to exit from SOLIDWORKS RX tool.
9. Please send that saved *.zip file to PLM Group Support. If there is already a support ticket created about this issue, please attach *.zip file into that ticket. If you do not know where to send this file or its file size is more than 20 MB (cannot be attached to ticket or sent via email), see THIS LINK about PLM Group Support contact information and contact us to get instructions for sending file to PLM Group Support.
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