Let's take a look at the process for adding additional SolidWorks licenses or assets to an existing SolidNetWork License Manager.
Now if you're using the same serial number, all you're going to need to do is access the server machine where you have the SolidNetWork License Manager server program installed.
Once this program opens up underneath the Server Administration tab, you can use the Modify button to reactivate the license. Choosing Activate/Reactivate and following the prompts will run the automatic activation product wizard.
And in just a few seconds, you should see your new assets available for immediate use.
Now if you're not using the same serial number, or have purchased an additional serial number, will actually need to do is modify the installation of the solid network license manager. To do this, access your apps and features or your Programs and Features list and find the SolidWorks network license manager. Instead of uninstalling it, choose to modify this installation.
This will launch the Installation Manager and after choosing next you can again select Modify entering your new serial numbers and you can enter multiple serial numbers separated by commas.
After following the prompts, the installation should again just take a matter of seconds. But there is one more step. Just as I showed you before, you'll need to launch that SolidNetWork License Manager server and underneath the Modify button go ahead and follow the prompts to automatically activate.
If you have any questions about this, please let us know.
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